Track & Field - Varsity
Becca McCauleyHead Coach
Dan McCauleyDistance Coach
Games and Scores
Opponent | Date | Time | Location | Score | Alerts | Status | |
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Goals and Philosophy
We are very dedicated to building strong team bonds and spirit, and a big part of that is practicing and competing together. We help and encourage our athletes to increase their fitness, strength, and speed, as well as to try new disciplines, to set and achieve both individual and Team goals, to push themselves to new heights, and to reach a deeper understanding both of themselves and their teammates. In the process, we want to support the academic pursuits of our Team members as much as possible. A final goal of our Team is to have a great number of Paideia Track & Field athletes compete at the State Championships in May.
Recent Accomplishments
Boys State
- 7th - 3200m Run - Alec Tubbs
Girls State
- 4th - 800m Run – Luna McCauley
- 5th – 300m Hurdles – Jordyn Bourne
- 7th - 100m Dash – Jordyn Bourne
- 8th – 4x400m Relay – Sophia Huynh, Sophia Figueroa, Camryn Bourne, Luna McCauley
Boys State
- 1st - 1600m Run – Griffin McCauley
- 2nd - 800m Run - Griffin McCauley
- 5th - 3200m Run - Alec Tubbs
- 7th - 3200m Run – Elijah McCauley
- 7th - 3200m Run - Alec Tubbs
- 8th - 300m Hurdles – Vincent Knight
Girls State
- 2nd - 3200m Run – Jordan Walter
- 3rd - 3200m Run – Sophia West
- 6th – 300m Hurdles – Jordyn Bourne
- 6th - 100m Dash – Jordyn Bourne
Boys State
- 1st - 3200m Run - Griffin McCauley
- 2nd - 1600m Run - Griffin McCauley
- 7th - 3200m Run - Alec Tubbs
- 4th - Long Jump - Thomas Davis
Girls State
- 2nd - 3200m Run - Sophia West
- 5th - 1600m Run - Sophia West
- 5th - Long Jump - Camryn Bourne
Boys State
- 2nd - 3200m Run - Max Heaberlin
- 3rd - 1600m Run - Max Heaberlin
- 8th - 4x400m Relay - Vincent Knight, Thomas Davis, Jaliwa Albright, Nasir Campbell
- 8th - Long Jump - Thomas Davis
Girls State
- 5th - 800m Run - Sophia West
- 5th - 1600m Run - Sophia West
Boys State
- 2nd - 800m Run - Nasir Campbell
- 2nd - 3200m Run - Max Heaberlin
- 3rd - 1600m Run - Max Heaberlin
- 4th - 3200m Run - Griffin McCauley
- 6th - 1600m Run - Griffin McCauley
- 7th - 400m Dash - Jack Smith
- 7th - 4x400m Relay - Nasir Campbell, Max Heaberlin, RJ Tookes, Jack Smith
Girls State
- 5th - 1600m Run - Sophia West
- 6th - 3200m Run - Sophia West
Boys State
- 8th - 3200m Run - Max Heaberlin
Team Roster
John Henry AhmannLloydDecatur, GA
Dylan BeatoStone Mountain, GA
Viraj ChaudhryDecatur, GA
Nate DePlontyDecatur, GA
Sisi ElkinsonAtlanta, GA
Kadin ElridgeConyers, GA
Hasset EndaleTucker, GA
Johnathan EshetuClarkston, GA
Callaghan FinneganDecatur, GA
Bob FoosheeAtlanta, GA
Kaci FranklinAtlanta, GA
Alec FreemanAtlanta, GA
Emerson GreenAvondale Estates, GA
Kathryn HalesDecatur, GA
McKinley HalesDecatur, GA
Cole HarperAtlanta, GA
Raja HofmeisterDecatur, GA
Alexandra HuynhAtlanta, GA
Haben IssacStone Mountain, GA
Luna JerpeAtlanta, GA
Lexi KeesAtlanta, GA
Krish LeveilleAtlanta, GA
Ayo LomaxAtlanta, GA
Reese LongAtlanta, GA
Hermela LonseStone Mountain, GA
Baikal MillerAtlanta, GA
Madeleine Moon-ChunDecatur, GA
Reggie MoormanAtlanta, GA
Grayson MurrayAtlanta, GA
Kidus SeifuAtlanta, GA
Adonait ShewangizawStone Mountain, GA
Caroline StrubyAtlanta, GA
Owen TobiasTucker, GA
Duncan WalkerAtlanta, GA
Ben Walton-ScottAtlanta, GA
Matt Walton-ScottAtlanta, GA
Izzy WoodAtlanta, GA
Frank YeboahSnellville, GA